Dinda Kanya Dewi
Pretty girl's face was bloody Bandung and Sukabumi in society began to familiar, probably because she frequently appeared on television, since she became a cover girl finalist 2002, she started getting offers advertising, soap operas, model and video star clip.
As a model of advertising, soap operas, TV dramas, and models of video clips of famous bands in Indonesia, such as Ungu bands and Samson, Letto, Kahitna
Birth name Dinda Kanya Dewi
Birth date February 5, 1987
Birth place Balikpapan, Kalimantan, Indonesia
Occupation Actress and Model
Zodiac Aquarius
Father Name: Surya Saputra Yudanagara
Mother Name: Tuti Mutia Natadirja
Faculty of Psychology, University of Atmajaya
1. My Diary (2007)
2. Lambing in Bury (2007)
3. Married Contract (2008)
4. Claudia / Jasmine (2008)
1. Cinta Fitri
3. My son is not my son
4. Two Hearts
5. Valentines Flowers
6. The Legend of Roro Mendut episode
7. Tacky but popular
8. Hanging Married
1. UV White Marina
2. Funtime
3. Piatos
4. Zinc
1. Cover Girl Finalist 2002
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